Eligibility Criteria...
An individual recently involved in a felony offense can be referred to TCDC if the following eligibility criteria are met:
Current charge is a probationable offense.
No history of violent behavior patterns.
No history of severe mental illness.
Current and past criminal behavior is drug and/or alcohol motivated.
Demonstration of sincerity and willingness to participate in an eighteen month treatment process.
No acute health condition currently exists.
Approval of the county prosecutor's office and drug court team prior to entering TCDC.
Offender is deemed to be alcohol and/or drug dependent.
Offender must be charged with a felony offense, nothing more serious then a third degree felony (this excludes drug trafficking charges).
Offender is not referred with a DUI or DWI.
Offender has no holds from another jurisdiction and is otherwise eligible for security release.
There is no evidence that the offender has been involved in significant drug trafficking.
Must be a resident of Trumbull County.