Program Phases...
NOTE: Movement through the Phase System is subject to the discretion of the Drug Session Staff.
Focus is on identifying presenting problem and assigning a diagnosis.
Phase I
This phase is designed to focus mainly on powerless, unmanageability and abstinence in order to gain as much knowledge of what recovery entails so that the client has a solid foundation to build on his /her sobriety.
The following criteria must be met to complete Phase I:
Approximately four to six months of continuous compliance with treatment plan
Documented attendance at (3) AA/NA/CA; one must be on weekend
Must obtain an AA/NA/CA sponsor
Identify a home group
Educational/Vocational Assessment
Mental Health Assessment
Family Needs/Education
Phase II
This phase continues to focus a great deal on treatment and relapse prevention. Requirements for movement to Phase II:
Phase I plus approximately six to eight months of continuous compliance with treatment plan
Documented attendance at (3) AA/NA/CA meetings; One must be on weekend
Weekly contact with sponsor and home group
Progress in educational or vocational goals
Verified employment
Phase III
This phase is to offer support with continuing recovery but also helps the individual to move on to educational goals, which will be an ongoing process for the individual in the months and years to come. Requirements for movement to Phase III:
Phase II plus approximately three additional months of continuous compliance with treatment plan.
Documented attendance at AA/NA/CA
Weekly contact with sponsor and home group
Verified employment or significant progress in education/vocational training
Three months consecutive sanction less months
Six months of complete abstinence
Aftercare plan completed and demonstrated insight into personal recovery